All Categories 7 videos found It’s all about communication (17 of 19) 232 views Internal Communications,Louisa Nara,Risk Management Supervisors bridge the gap (16 of 19) 206 views Internal Communications,Leadership,Louisa Nara,Supervisors The 6th Regional Leadership Forum (13 of 19) 224 views Internal Communications,Leadership,Learning,Louisa Nara Safety: it´s not a matter of luck (6 of 19) 219 views Internal Communications,Leadership,Louisa Nara,Risk Management,Safety Culture The Architect profile (22 of 22) 178 views Internal Communications,Leadership,Leo Piccioli How do leaders build culture? (17 of 22) 186 views Internal Communications,Leadership,Leo Piccioli,Organizational Culture,Union Are the corporate comms in slow motion? (14 of 22) 162 views Internal Communications,Leo Piccioli,Social Media